Steer Clear of These Sneaky Foods: A Must-Read Guide for Diabetics



The prevalence of diabetes in the United States continues to be a growing concern, with over 9% of the population affected in 2015. Diabetes, being a chronic condition, requires individuals to make massive changes to their lifestyle, and most importantly, to their diet. It is important for diabetics to be aware of the foods that can impact their health, even those that may seem healthy at first glance.

Wondering why those “nutritious foods” might be harmful? Well, for starters, they may contain food preservatives, salts, and sugars. And these are difficult to identify on the nutritional label most of the time. But that won’t happen to you if you followed this guide! This article outlines the most detrimental (and kind of “sneaky”) food for people with diabetes.

1. Diet Soda: It’s Almost as Harmful as Regular Soda

Now, you’re aware that soda does not align with a diabetic diet. It might come as a surprise to many, but even “diet soda” poses potential hazards to diabetics as well. Based on research by American Diabetes Association, there is a correlation between diet drinks and diabetes. The research volunteers consumed diet soda on a daily basis and developed a 67% greater risk of type 2 diabetes. And it wasn’t limited to diabetes. They even experienced high sugar levels, belly fat, and metabolic syndrome.

Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, in its study, established a connection between diet soda consumption and an increased likelihood of developing diabetic retinopathy. The study concluded that excessive diet soda consumption could harm the eye blood vessels. This could cause increased risks of blindness for individuals with diabetes. So, stay away from those diet sodas if you truly value your physical well-being.
