The best 15 Ways to Enjoy Turnips | Beneficial Healthy Diet



Are you enjoying turnips properly? And do you know how it is beneficial for health? Just read this post and learn about Turnips.

Vegetables with a purple top and a creamy white color are turnips. Root vegetables such as potatoes and beetroot are commonly associated with this popular European staple food. It has a close relative in broccoli, arugula, kale, Brussels, and sprouts.

Turnips are low in calories and provide plenty of nutrients, like other cruciferous vegetables.

The turnip and its leafy greens are both nourishing and tasty. Find out more about turnips’ health benefits, nutritional value, and how you can incorporate them into your diet in this article.

Boiled, Baked, or Steamed: 

A turnip can be cooked in the same way as a potato. They can be baked, boiled, or lightly steamed with butter, salt, or lemon juice for a delicious flavor in stews, soups, and stir-fries.

Mash ’em: 

Before, you were only mashed potatoes, but this recipe prepares with squashed turnips. Further, in this dish sweet potatoes and turnips are mashed together.

Coleslaw turnip with a twist:  

You can prepare coleslaw at the home with shredded turnip instead of cabbage.

Julienne Them:  

Fresh turnips add a satisfying crunch to any dish. They are easy to slice with thin and garnished to your taste.

Eat ’em Raw: 

You can enjoy peanut butter with a dip of turnips or you can shred them raw and add them to salads.

Sow Some Seeds:

Help your kids grow something to get interested in vegetables and fruits. You might even be able to convince your children to eat them once they’ve been harvested. 

Switch Your Greens: 

Replace cooked spinach and collard greens with turnip greens! In soups, stews, and pasta, they make the perfect addition to sauteed or steamed vegetables with lemon, oil, olive, onion, and garlic. 

Roast ’em: 

Cubed turnips will enhance the flavor of any pot roast or roasted vegetable dish.

A delicious Side to Any Entree:  

A plate of turnips maple-glazed is a delicious side dish to accompany pork, beef, or poultry.

Turbo-Boost Your Stew: 

Add turnips to soup or stew at the same point that potatoes are added to provide extra flavor and nutrition.

Turnips work wonderfully à la Matignon: 

The vegetables in Matignon cooking are cut uniformly for use in a range of fried and braised dishes along with carrots, potatoes, and leeks.

Pickled turnips:

Turnips make a great pickle due to their crisp texture and sweet flavor. Prepare smaller varieties, such as Tokyo turnips, by halving and bringing them for a week in white vinegar.

Turnips and fried eggs:

Turnips are fried in a cast-iron skillet before being topped with fried eggs.

Salad turnips:

It is possible to serve raw turnips whole on a raw platter or slice them thinly like radishes and serve them in a salad.

Make a gratin:

Serve your turnips with potato slices to provide a firmer texture and balance out the turnip’s soft sweetness.

Steamed turnips:

During their young and small stage, steaming turnips allow you to preserve their natural sweetness while cooking them.

How to Roast Turnips

Roasted turnips make an excellent side dish, as they are sweet and mellow.

  1. Remove roots by slicing them off and peeling those more prominent than a few inches in diameter.
  2. Use medium dice, drizzle a tablespoon or two of olive oil over the veggies and sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can also use a favorite spice blend, like Chinese five-spice powder or za’atar.
  3. Roast in a 400-degree oven in a single layer for 40 minutes, stirring once or twice for even color, or until a paring knife passes easily through them and they are crispy and golden brown.

Why do you need to eat Turnip:

The nutritional profile of turnips is excellent. These vegetables are low-calorie but packed with minerals and vitamins. One cup of turnip ( 130 grams) has the following nutrition:

Nutritions Amount
Calories in Turnip  36 plus with quantity of Turnip
Turnip Carbs 8 grams almost
Fiber 2 grams approximately 
Protein in turnip One gram
Folate in turnip 5 percent of the DV
Phosphorus of turnip 3 percent of the DV
Calcium in turnip  3 percent of the DV


Nonetheless, turnip leaves contain even more significant nutritional benefits, with one cup (55 grams) of chopped turnip greens providing 82 percent of the recommended daily value.

The roots and leaves of turnip are an excellent source of vitamin C. In addition, these are antioxidants when damaged radical molecules increase in the body. 

Roots and leaves are both incredible sources of vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects your body when free radicals are present in excess.

It May have anti-cancer properties

Turnip contains antioxidant compounds that are very useful for cancer patients. Its qualities have the power to fight cancer cells and overcome their chance.

Its plant compounds called glucosinolates have antioxidants as well as cancer-preventing properties.

Additionally, turnips are rich in flavonoids, including anthocyanins, an antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.

Turnip may act as an anti-inflammatory

Arthritis, cancer, and high blood pressure related to the hardening of the arteries are chronic diseases associated with inflammation.

Turnip indole contains arvelexin, which blocks pro-inflammatory compounds such as nitric oxide, a type of free radical associated with inflammation.

May aid weight management

With a low glycemic index and low-calorie content, turnips are one of the healthiest vegetables you can consume. Researchers have found that these characteristics contribute to a healthy weight.

Final thoughts:

Turnip is a soft and useful vegetable enjoyed in different easy ways. For an instant, baked, boiled, or steamed, pickled turnips, salad turnips, make a gratin, etc. Furthermore, there are a lot of health benefits of turnip. No doubt it is full of nutrition but low in calories. 



